Patent Translation

Trust the experts for your patent translations
We are a leading translation provider, offering high-quality patent translations for IP law firms and Fortune 500 companies around the world.
Our Firm’s patent translation services help companies and law firms accurately translate patent applications, prior art, foreign references, and related IP documents, as well as discovery documents related to patent litigation. Our certified patent translations are regularly submitted to patent offices, government agencies and courtrooms worldwide. Patent translators are chosen for their fluency, educational background, and expertise in the technical field related to the matter. Our expertise in country-specific regulations and large pool of highly qualified patent translators sets us apart from other translation companies.
Our Firm provides precise, certified translation of patents and intellectual property (IP) documents. This includes translation of utility models, US patents, EU patents, PCT patents, Japanese patents and Chinese patents. Our prices are highly competitive and we provide fast response times. If you have a tight filing deadline, we will provide you with your patent translation on time.
We are a leading provider of patent translation services for clients worldwide. This includes patent law firms, corporations in the tech sector and clients in the life sciences (biotech firms, pharmaceutical companies, medical device companies). We have extensive experience in translation of PCT and EP patents into German and Chinese languages. We also translate from German/Chinese languages into English. Our patent translators are court-certified and can be made available for depositions if required in litigation.
Our patent translation is done by native language translators with experience in patent translation and with appropriate knowledge of applicable laws, accepted practices and/or regulatory directives for the designated country. A good patent translator needs to have in-depth knowledge of the subject matter that the patent relates to. All of our patent translators are certified, have extensive experience in patent translation and are thoroughly screened before being accepted to work with us.
All translations undergo a thorough quality check by a qualified proofreader to ensure accuracy and language correctness. If required, claims and other critical texts can be reviewed by a local Patent Attorney to ensure legal accuracy. We have access to local patent agents in all EU member companies and in the major Asian countries and we can help you with filing in the local patent office.
Translated patents are formatted in the correct patent format; we conform to the guidelines of the local patent office, ensuring that patent applications are received with no problems or rejections. Patent drawings are translated and can be lettered again if required.
We also provide expert translation of patents into English for your prior art search, as well as translation of court documents in patent litigation cases.
If applicable, we offer repeat word and translation memory discounts. All of our translators use CAT (Computer Aided Translation) tools which produce a translation memory (TM).

  • Our five cornerstones of service
Speed, cost savings, quality, confidentiality and reliability – make us the premier source for:
1、Translations for Filing – We make sure that every patent translation is supplied ready for filing at patent offices worldwide and has been checked word for word by our specialists
2、Translations for Litigation – Get clear, accurate translations to undertake legal action with confidence
3、Translations for Technical Insights – Give your R&D, Competitive Intelligence and Business Development teams critical IP data to ensure the right judgments about the relevance of a competitor’s portfolio

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